Richard Lamoureaux & Glenn Dahms & GM Diony Canete in 1986. In 1986 Grandmaster Canete conducted a seminar tour throughout the midwest teaching Doce Pares Escrima. While he was on his seminar tour he visited my calumet city, IL school.
Richard Lamoureaux Glenn Dahms GM Diony Canete
Richard Lamoureaux Guro Ted Lucaylucay Knife Flow Sparring
Richard Lamoureaux & Guro Ted Lucaylucay Knife Flow Sparring in 1993. I trained with Ted LucayLucay over a 6 year period. I authored many articles about him that were published in various martial arts magazines over the years. Ted was a mentor and a personal friend. He passed away in 1996 and we all miss him dearly, he was a great person as well as martial arts instructor.
Richard Lamoureaux with GM Dong Cuesta
Richard Lamoureaux with GM Dong Cuesta 1995. Upon completion of a Kali / JKD seminar that i instructed at the basyside academy of martial arts in New Jersey i took a private class in Doce Pares from Grand Master Dong Cuesta. At this time in the USA, Dong Cuesta was the second highest ranked Doce Pares Instructor in the USA. He was second to only GM Cacoy Canete.